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(Wed Oct 16 00:00:41 2024)

Found 40 results for 'rust' in 0.006971 seconds.
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Package Name Details Comment Description
rust-rustfmt-1.81.0p0 Rust code formatter A tool for formatting Rust code according to style guidelines.
py3-setuptools-rust-1.8.1p0 setuptools Rust extension plugin setuptools-rust is a plugin for `setuptools` to build Rust Python extensions
implemented with PyO3 rust-cpython.
Compile and distribute Python extensions written in Rust as easily as if
they were written in C.
rust-clippy-1.81.0p0 Rust linter A bunch of lints to catch common mistakes and improve your Rust code.
rust-openssl-tests-20241007 source of the rust-openssl crate for regression testing Bundles the source of the rust-openssl crate for regression testing.
rust-gdb-1.81.0p0 Rust debugger through gdb and lldb Small wrapper script for gdb that will start the underlying debugger with
Rust pretty printers enabled.
rust-analyzer-20240318 modular compiler frontend for the Rust language rust-analyzer is an implementation of Language Server Protocol for the
Rust programming language. It provides features like completion and
goto definition for many code editors, including VS Code, Emacs and
rust-bootstrap-1.81.0 Rust binary bootstrap Prepared tarball for bootstrapping lang/rust.

To generate a suitable bootstrap archive for lang/rust, use:

$ tarlz --solid -z ${PREFIX}/lib/rustc-bootstrap-${MACHINE_ARCH}.tar \
-o rustc-bootstrap-${MACHINE_ARCH}-${BV}.tar.lz
rust-src-1.81.0p0 Rust source component Local copy of the source code of the Rust standard library. This can be used by
some tools, such as RLS or rust-analyzer, to provide auto-completion for
functions within the standard library.
rust-1.81.0 compiler for Rust Language Rust is a systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents
almost all crashes, and eliminates data races.

- zero-cost abstractions
- move semantics
- guaranteed memory safety
- threads without data races
- trait-based generics
- pattern matching
- type inference
- minimal runtime
- efficient C bindings

Documentation is available online at
or could be downloaded from${V}-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz
maturin-1.7.0 develop crates with pyo3, rust-cpython and cffi bindings This program allows you to build and publish crates with pyo3, rust-cpython
and cffi bindings as well as rust binaries as python packages. It is meant
as a zero configuration replacement for setuptools-rust and milksnake.
rust-bindgen-0.69.4 automatically generates Rust FFI bindings (C and C++) bindgen automatically generates Rust FFI bindings to C (and some C++)

bindgen cli tool takes the path to an input C or C++ header file, and
optionally an output file path for the generated bindings. If the
output file path is not supplied, the bindings are printed to stdout.

If we wanted to generated Rust FFI bindings from a C header named
input.h and put them in the file, we would invoke bindgen
like this:

$ bindgen input.h -o

For more details, pass the --help flag:
$ bindgen --help
py3-mitmproxy_rs-0.9.2 Rust components used in mitmproxy This package contains mitmproxy's Rust bits.
ripgrep-14.1.1 line oriented search tool using Rust's regex library Line oriented search tool using Rust's regex library. Combines the raw
performance of grep with the usability of the silver searcher.
py3-rpds-py-0.20.0 Python bindings for Rust's persistent data structures (rpds) Python bindngs for Rust's persistent data structures (rpds).

This was initially written to replace pyrsistent from the referencing
ruby33-rb_sys-0.9.85 helpers for compiling Rust extensions for Ruby The primary goal of rb-sys is to make building native Ruby extensions in
Rust easier than it would be in C. If it's not easy, it's a bug.


* Battle-tested Rust bindings for the Ruby C API
* Support for Ruby 2.4+
* Supports all major platforms (Linux, macOS, Windows)
* Cross compilation of gems
* Integration with rake-compiler
ruby32-rb_sys-0.9.85 helpers for compiling Rust extensions for Ruby The primary goal of rb-sys is to make building native Ruby extensions in
Rust easier than it would be in C. If it's not easy, it's a bug.


* Battle-tested Rust bindings for the Ruby C API
* Support for Ruby 2.4+
* Supports all major platforms (Linux, macOS, Windows)
* Cross compilation of gems
* Integration with rake-compiler
rust-ring-0.16.20p9 ring crate source patched for x-only assembly Bundles the source of the ring crate patched to work with OpenBSD's
execute only policy. Use this as a BUILD_DEPENDS for ports depending
on ring 0.16. It is not needed for ring >= 0.17.
eza-0.20.1 ls alternative written in Rust (fork of exa) eza is a replacement for ls written in Rust. Its options are similar to the
regular ls, but it also adds lots of fancy features like tree traversing,
colors, git support, sorting options..

eza is a fork of exa (which is no longer maintained).
ruby32-commonmarker-1.0.3p1 ruby wrapper for comrak rust crate Ruby wrapper for Rust's comrak crate.

It passes all of the CommonMark test suite, and is therefore
spec-complete. It also includes extensions to the CommonMark spec as
documented in the GitHub Flavored Markdown spec, such as support for
tables, strikethroughs, and autolinking.
ruby33-commonmarker-1.0.3p1 ruby wrapper for comrak rust crate Ruby wrapper for Rust's comrak crate.

It passes all of the CommonMark test suite, and is therefore
spec-complete. It also includes extensions to the CommonMark spec as
documented in the GitHub Flavored Markdown spec, such as support for
tables, strikethroughs, and autolinking.
sccache-0.8.2 compiler cache for C/C++/Rust sccache is a ccache-like compiler caching tool. It is used as a compiler
wrapper and avoids compilation when possible, storing cached results
either on local disk or in one of several cloud storage backends.

sccache includes support for caching the compilation of C/C++ code and Rust.
mdbook-0.4.37 create books from markdown files mdBook is a utility to create modern online books from Markdown files.
py3-adblock-0.6.0p5 Brave's adblock library Python wrapper for Brave's adblocking library, which is written in Rust.
deno-1.45.5p1 runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript Deno is a simple, modern and secure runtime for JavaScript and
TypeScript that uses V8 and is built in Rust.
cbindgen-0.26.0 C bindings generator from rust code This project can be used to generate C bindings for Rust code:

* Builds bindings for a crate, its mods, its dependent crates, and their mods
* Only the necessary types for exposed functions are given bindings
* Can specify annotations for controlling some aspects of binding
* Support for generic structs and unions
* Support for exporting constants and statics
* Customizable formatting, can be used in C or C++ projects
* Support for generating #ifdef's for #[cfg] attributes
* Support for #[repr(sized)] tagged enum's
ncspot-1.1.2 ncurses Spotify client Cross-platform ncurses Spotify client written in Rust with
a low resource footprint. The UI is heavily inspired by
ncurses MPD clients, such as ncmpc.
amber-0.6.0 code search and replace tool amber is a code search and replace tool written by Rust. This tool is inspired
by ack, ag, and other grep-like tools.
oxipng-9.1.2 multithreaded lossless PNG compression optimizer Oxipng is a multithreaded lossless PNG compression optimizer. It can be used
via a command-line interface or as a library in other Rust programs.
castor-0.9.0p3 graphical browser for plain-text protocols Castor is a graphical client for plain-text protocols written in Rust with GTK.
It currently supports the Gemini, Gopher and Finger protocols.
lsd-1.0.0p0 pretty ls alternative with support for icons and colors Rewrite in Rust of GNU ls with lots of added features like colors, icons,
tree-view, more formatting options etc.

The project is heavily inspired by the super colorls project.
vaultwarden-1.32.1 unofficial bitwarden compatible server Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust and compatible
with upstream Bitwarden clients.
Full implementation of Bitwarden API is provided including:
- Organizations support
- Attachments
- Vault API support
- Serving the static files for Vault interface
- Website icons API
- Authenticator and U2F support
- YubiKey and Duo support
vaultwarden-1.32.1-mysql unofficial bitwarden compatible server Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust and compatible
with upstream Bitwarden clients.
Full implementation of Bitwarden API is provided including:
- Organizations support
- Attachments
- Vault API support
- Serving the static files for Vault interface
- Website icons API
- Authenticator and U2F support
- YubiKey and Duo support
vaultwarden-1.32.1-postgresql unofficial bitwarden compatible server Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust and compatible
with upstream Bitwarden clients.
Full implementation of Bitwarden API is provided including:
- Organizations support
- Attachments
- Vault API support
- Serving the static files for Vault interface
- Website icons API
- Authenticator and U2F support
- YubiKey and Duo support
selene-0.27.1 modern Lua linter written in Rust selene is a command line tool designed to help write correct and
idiomatic Lua code.


- It's okay to not diagnose every problem, as long as the diagnostics
that are made are never wrong.

- Easy to extend and modify.

- Easy to configure... but the user should need to configure as little
as possible.
qr-code-generator-1.8.0 QR Code generator library High-quality QR Code generator library in Java, TypeScript/JavaScript,
Python, Rust, C++, C.

This project aims to be the best, clearest QR Code generator library in
multiple languages. The primary goals are flexible options and absolute
correctness. Secondary goals are compact implementation size and good
documentation comments.

This package only contains dynamically linked libraries for C++ and C.
flatbuffers-23.5.26p1 memory optimized serialization library FlatBuffers is an efficient cross platform serialization library for
C++, C#, C, Go, Java, Kotlin, JavaScript, Lobster, Lua, TypeScript,
PHP, Python, Rust and Swift. It was originally created at Google for
game development and other performance-critical applications.

What sets FlatBuffers apart is that it represents hierarchical data in
a flat binary buffer in such a way that it can still be accessed
directly without parsing/unpacking, while also still supporting data
structure evolution (forwards/backwards compatibility).
meson-python-0.16.0p1 meson PEP 517 Python build backend meson-python is a Python build backend built on top of the meson build system.
It enables to use Meson for the configuration and build steps of Python
packages. Meson is an open source build system meant to be both extremely fast,
and, even more importantly, as user friendly as possible. meson-python is best
suited for building Python packages containing extension modules implemented in
languages such as C, C++, Cython, Fortran, Pythran, or Rust.
meson-1.5.2v0 next-generation build system Meson is an open source build system meant to be both extremely fast, and, even
more importantly, as user friendly as possible.

The main design point of Meson is that every moment a developer spends writing
or debugging build definitions is a second wasted. So is every second spent
waiting for the build system to actually start compiling code.

- multiplatform support for Linux, OSX, Windows, Gcc, Clang, Visual Studio...
- supported languages include C, C++, Fortran, Java, Rust
- build definitions in a very readable and user friendly non-turing complete DSL
- cross compilation for many operating systems as well as bare metal
- optimized for extremely fast full and incremental builds
- built-in multiplatform dependency provider
routinator-0.14.0 RPKI "relying party" software "Routinator 3000" is RPKI relying party software written in Rust.

The Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) provides cryptographically
signed statements about the association of Internet routing resources.
In particular, it allows the holder of an IP address prefix to publish
which AS number will be the origin of BGP route announcements for it.

Routinator connects to the Trust Anchors of the five Regional Internet
downloads all of the certificates and ROAs in the various repositories,
verifies the signatures and makes the result available for use in the
BGP workflow. It can perform RPKI validation as a one-time operation
and store the result on disk in formats such as CSV, JSON and RPSL,
or run as a service that periodically fetches and verifies RPKI data.
The data is then served via the built-in HTTP server, or fetched from
RPKI-capable routers via the RPKI-RTR protocol.
fpm-0.7.0p1 Fortran Package Manager Fortran Package Manager (fpm) is a package manager and build system for Fortran.
Its key goal is to improve the user experience of Fortran programmers. It does
so by making it easier to build your Fortran program or library, run the
executables, tests, and examples, and distribute it as a dependency to other
Fortran projects. Fpm's user interface is modeled after Rust's Cargo, so if
you're familiar with that tool, you will feel at home with fpm. Fpm's long term
vision is to nurture and grow the ecosystem of modern Fortran applications and

Fpm is an early prototype and is evolving rapidly. You can use it to build and
package your Fortran projects, as well as to use existing fpm packages as
dependencies. Fpm's behavior and user interface may change as it evolves,
however as fpm matures and we enter production, we will aim to stay backwards
compatible. Please follow the issues to contribute and/or stay up to date with
the development. Before opening a bug report or a feature suggestion, please
read our Contributor Guide. You can also discuss your ideas and queries with the
community in fpm discussions, or more broadly on Fortran-Lang Discourse.

Fortran Package Manager is not to be confused with Jordan Sissel's fpm, a more
general, non-Fortran related package manager.