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(Sun Dec 22 00:00:47 2024)

Found 2 results for 'aerc' in 0.002960 seconds.
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Package Name Details Comment Description
aerc-0.18.2p0 terminal email client Aerc is a terminal email client with IMAP and Maildir support. Features
include asynchronous IMAP and IMAP IDLE support, a tabbed multitasking
interface, built-in terminal multiplexer, and customizable rendering
filters for message parts.
aerc-0.18.2p0-notmuch terminal email client Aerc is a terminal email client with IMAP and Maildir support. Features
include asynchronous IMAP and IMAP IDLE support, a tabbed multitasking
interface, built-in terminal multiplexer, and customizable rendering
filters for message parts.