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(Mon May 20 00:00:42 2024)

Found 4 results for 'mtp' in 0.002527 seconds.
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Package Name Details Comment Description
libmtp-1.1.21p0 Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) implementation libmtp is an implementation of Microsoft's Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
in the form of a library suitable primarily for POSIX compliant
operating systems. We implement MTP Basic, the stuff proposed for
simple-mtpfs-0.4.0 MTP device filesystem SIMPLE-MTPFS (Simple Media Transfer Protocol FileSystem) is a file system for
Linux capable of operating on files on MTP devices attached via USB to the local
machine. On the local computer where the SIMPLE-MTPFS is mounted, the
implementation makes use of FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace).
The practical effect of this is that the end user can seamlessly interact with
MTP device files.
cantata-2.5.0p0 Qt-based MPD client Cantata is a graphical client for MPD. It contains the following features:

* Multiple MPD collections.
* Highly customisable layout.
* Songs grouped by album in play queue.
* Context view to show artist, album, and song information of current track.
* Simple tag editor.
* File organizer - use tags to organize files and folders.
* USB-Mass-Storage and MTP device support.
* MPRISv2 DBUS interface.
* Basic support for touch-style interface (views are made 'flickable')
* Scrobbling.
calibre-5.44.0p2 ebook management application calibre is a free and open source e-book library management application
developed by users of e-books for users of e-books. It has a cornucopia
of features divided into the following main categories:

* Library management
* E-book conversion
* Syncing to e-book reader devices
(note, no direct USB/MTP access in the OpenBSD package)
* Downloading news from websites/RSS feeds and converting into e-book form
* Comprehensive e-book viewer
* Content server for online access to your book collection
* E-book editor for the major e-book formats